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We want you to have the best experience possible at Nido Príncipe Pío. We understand that questions may arise before and during your stay, so we’ve put together a list of answers to the most common queries. From our policies to the services and amenities we provide, you’ll find everything you need to feel at home here.

What is Nido Príncipe Pío and what does flex living mean?

Nido Príncipe Pío is a flex living space where students and young professionals live throughout the year. We kindly ask guests to respect the environment and the residents, as this is their home. We want you to feel part of this community and enjoy a comfortable and welcoming stay too.

What common areas are available for hotel guests?

Hotel guests have access to most common areas, including the coworking space, billiard room, coffee lounge, meeting rooms, reception lounge areas, the inner courtyard, and the terrace. Please remember that many residents live here year-round, so we appreciate your respect and care when using these spaces.

Is smoking allowed on the premises?

No, Nido Príncipe Pío is a smoke-free space. Smoking is only permitted in designated areas. Thank you for helping us maintain a fresh and clean environment for everyone.

Can I bring pets during my stay?

Sorry, but pets are not allowed at Nido Príncipe Pío. This policy helps ensure a peaceful and comfortable environment for all our residents and guests.

What is the minimum age requirement for staying at the hotel?

The minimum age to stay at Nido Príncipe Pío is 16 years old.

What are the check-in and check-out times?

Check-in is from 3:00 PM, and check-out is by 11:00 AM. If you need extra time for check-out, please let us know in advance, and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.

How often are the apartments cleaned?

Apartments are cleaned every two nights (on the third day of stay) to ensure a comfortable and tidy environment.

Do the rooms include a hairdryer?

Yes, all rooms are equipped with a hairdryer for your convenience.

Do the apartments have a kitchen or kitchenette?

Yes, all apartments have a kitchen or kitchenette equipped with an induction hob, microwave, fridge with freezer compartment, sink, and a Nespresso coffee machine.

Is kitchenware provided?

No, kitchenware is not provided in the rooms.

How many people can stay in the 2, 3, and 4-bedroom apartments?

The 2, 3, and 4-bedroom apartments can only be booked by groups, with a maximum capacity of one person per bedroom.

Is there parking at the hotel?

Yes, we have parking available 24 hours a day. You just need to reserve in advance, and the cost is 20€ per day. First, check in at the reception located at Paseo de la Florida 7, and then you can access the parking, which is at C/Aniceto Marinas 4.

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